Things to keep in mind to avoid gas and mouth ulcers

People today have various difficulties. The main symptoms of this are heartburn, heartburn, abdominal pain, etc. Most people take it for granted. But it is a symptom of many diseases. Ulcers are small wounds that are made inside the stomach. Even when there is mental stress, excessive tension, people who …

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Those who have this habit do not catch cold or sneeze

Allergies such as cold, sneezing and phlegm are common in people. If some people have this kind of difficulty because of the weather, others may have this kind of allergy without any reason. This kind of allergy occurs when any kind of virus enters our body and we fight against …

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If it looks like this after eating, it is a sign of diabetes

We experience many difficulties that we do not pay much attention to. Important among them are fatigue, laziness, lack of interest, sleep etc. We don’t know the exact reason for this, but one reason is insulin resistance. These are the main symptoms of diabetes. Feeling tired and sleepy after eating …

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Recognize the symptoms of prostate cancer

Cancer is the most dangerous disease. Anemia is one of the main symptoms of cancer. It is a condition where the hemoglobin level decreases and there is fatigue. It is important to pay more attention to this condition. Respiratory problems, shortness of breath, cough, blood in sputum etc. are symptoms …

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What causes PCOD? How to change

PCOD is a problem that affects 8 to 13 percent of adult women. Menstrual cycle is carried out correctly due to the proper functioning of hormones. In other cases, it increases androgen levels in the body. It is a male hormone. This causes immature or half-grown ovum to appear as …

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