Stroke is one of the diseases that are increasing in people today. It seems like the hands are suddenly getting tired, the eyes are blurred, seeing two when looking, there are various symptoms just before the stroke. If you see these symptoms, you should get treatment immediately. Most of the time we can identify it with a CT scan but sometimes an MRI scan is needed.
Some strokes can be reversed with medication and some with surgery. Most strokes today are caused by reduced blood flow. If it’s a small block, we can reverse it with medication and therapy. People with diabetes are usually 3 times more likely to have a stroke. Treatment of such people can only be done by reducing diabetes. And those who are overweight, have high blood pressure.
and those who use alcohol and smoke can only choose treatment according to this. Smoking increases the risk of stroke in our body. We can choose to do different types of exercises. Physiotherapy is not only exercises like running and walking, but many types of exercises like solo therapy, voice therapy, and mirror therapy are very good solutions for this. Such difficulties can be treated by giving certain injections and then by doing exercises to make the hands work. Watch the video below to know more.