Do not abuse certain medicines
NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen. They can damage your kidneys if you pick up more than once or too much. And long-term use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for ulcers or GERD can increase the risk of chronic kidney disease. You should only take them if your doctor says you need them. Be careful about antibiotics
Antibiotics can damage your kidneys if you use them too often. This can happen even if you’re healthy, but it’s worse if your kidneys aren’t working as well as they should. Some types, such as penicillin, sulfonamides, and cephalosporins, can cause problems.
Skip the Add-ons
Those who make supplements will not prove that their products are not safe, some can harm your kidneys. These can be especially dangerous if you have kidney disease, because they can make your condition worse or affect how certain medications work. Talk to your doctor before trying any herbal supplements.
Eat well
Your kidneys process everything you eat or drink, including anything that’s bad for you, like too much fat, salt, and sugar. Over time, a poor diet can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and other conditions that harm the kidneys. A healthy diet consists of lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and few processed foods.
Check your salt
This mineral affects people in different ways. For some it seems to increase the amount of protein in their urine. It can damage your kidneys or make kidney disease worse if you have it. Eating too much also increases the risk of high blood pressure, a common cause of kidney disease, and kidney stones, which can be painful and eventually destroy without treatment.
Drink plenty of water
Water helps transport essential nutrients to your kidneys and transport waste products to your bladder in the form of urine. If you don’t drink enough, the small filters in your kidneys can become clogged and lead to kidney stones and disease. Even mild dehydration can damage your kidneys if it happens too often. Four to six cups a day is usually enough, but you may need more if you’re sick or have a fever.
Do the exercises
As a dietary supplement, it helps prevent diseases such as diabetes and heart disease that can lead to kidney damage. But don’t try to go from couch potato to extreme exercise in one day. Excessive exercise can also damage your kidneys if you are not prepared for it. Work out for 30 to 60 minutes at least five days a week. Start early if you haven’t been in a while and see your doctor first if you have any health problems.
Give it a try
It is important to know your risk for kidney disease. You or your loved ones have a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or a family history of kidney failure. In these cases, your doctor may recommend a kidney test as part of your regular check-up. The earlier you catch it, the easier it is to treat and sometimes even stop it.
Be careful with alcohol
If you are healthy, a drink or two will not harm your kidneys. But drinking too much (drinking more than 4 drinks in less than 2 hours) can cause sudden harm and can lead to long-term problems. Alcohol tends to dehydrate you, which can make your kidneys less efficient and make them more susceptible to obesity, liver disease, high blood pressure, and other conditions. especially.
Stop smoking
Smoking increases your risk of kidney cancer and damages blood vessels, which affect your kidneys by making it easier for blood to reach them. Also, smoking can affect some medications that treat high blood pressure. This is bad because uncontrolled high blood pressure is one of the leading causes of kidney disease.
Manage health problems
The two most common conditions that affect your kidneys are diabetes and high blood pressure. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help control both. With diabetes, it’s also important to monitor your blood sugar and take insulin when you need it. For high blood pressure, check your numbers regularly and take all medications as prescribed by your doctor.