Know if you have thyroid at home Do these things for a complete change

Thyroid gland is one of the important glands in our bodyToday, thyroid disease is more common especially in women. The thyroid plays a role in the metabolic functions of the body. Gland related diseases like hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism reuter etc. Hyperthyroidism is also known as hyperthyroidism. There is a decrease in …

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Eat this food to prevent diabetes

There are very few people today who do not have lifestyle diseases. Most of them have diabetes. There are two main reasons for diabetes. It also mainly includes lifestyle and diet. One of the reasons for this is the starchy foods we eat and sweets like bakery. Diabetes is divided …

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There is no other way to lose fat

Obesity is one of the major problems faced by most people regardless of age. Changing lifestyle and diet is the reason for causing such problems. Most of what we eat is fast food like oily snacks. There are many health problems caused by eating such food. An average person’s weight …

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Fenugreek can reduce excess weight. This is how to eat.

People who are overweight suffer a lot. Many health problems are caused by obesity. Losing excess weight is not a very difficult task, and for this we just need to make small necessary changes in our diet and eating habits. A changing diet can lead to these types of problems. …

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