Today most people are facing problems like gastrable. From young people to old people today there are lifestyle diseases like gastrable. Heartburn, abdominal pain, bloating, pain in the middle and outer parts, fermentation and many other problems are due to gastrul. Such difficulties occur when eating too much food.
Most people experience gastritis by eating foods like Put Kada and Kappa. But the problem with the food we eat is the way we eat it. So if we pay attention to our lifestyle and proper diet, we can prevent all these types of problems. When we have gastric problems, we pay attention to stomach related problems but when we have problems like cough acidity.
we feel blocked in the throat and cough. When we see these symptoms, we need to pay attention. Most of us have the habit of sleeping immediately after eating. . It is not good for our body to remain motionless and inactive after eating. People who are overweight are more prone to these problems. Late eating of meals and re-eating sweets after meals are the main causes of problems like castrable acidity. Reduce consumption of processed foods such as fast food and dairy products with ghee.
Eating fried and fried foods that we eat can lead to these problems. Try to completely avoid drinking tea and coffee. We can see positive changes if we include ginger, curd, chicken fish, vegetables and leafy vegetables in the right way. Also, exercise is very beneficial for our health. We can prevent our health problems by making the lifestyle correct. To know more, just watch the video below.